JSAT Level 3 – Paper Version Twice a Year Special
September 10, 2024Fish Book Club
September 17, 2024October 7th | A Forever Impact
Register now to receive an email link to this powerful video. Only those who sign up will receive this link.
Please note: When you use the “event registration” form below, you are signing up to receive an email on Motzaei Shabbos 10/5 with the link to this video. This is NOT a live video stream but rather a pre-recorded video you can preview and show at your school on October 7th (or when convenient). If you want multiple people at your school to receive the video link via email on Motzaei Shabbos 10/5, you can register multiple “attendees” in the form below.
For more information, please click here.
SKU: Event_2024_10_07_Video
Category: Events